The Knightbus

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CoaHPF is released!

Tom am 19.9.2016 um 12:42 Uhr


Chronicles of a Harry Potter Fan aka CoaHPF is released and available for free to everyone!

Right today, on Hermione Granger's birthday, a book with Harry Potter context was released.

'Chronicles of a Harry Potter Fan' was authored by myself. It is available for free on

With his book, I want to exemplify how precious and valuable fandom can be. I want to get the message spread and for that reason insisted on a free version of CoaHPF.

From 2005 to 2011, I was a very active member of the international Harry Potter fan community. I was the ‘Representative of EmmaWatsonEmpire,’ founded this site, ‘The Knight Bus’ and later the ‘DA’ – an international website alliance for Harry Potter fan communities.

CoaHPF got first published in 2012, as a German print book. Now that the contract with my former publisher ran out, I provide CoaHPF for free.

If you like ym idea to inspire fans all around the world and want to help to spread the word, feel free to share the CoaHPF Download Site! Every mention or recommendation on facebook, twitter, etc. and the use of the hashtag #CoaHPF is of help.

Here you can download CoaHPF:
Here you can find Thomas on Facebook:

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