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WB is looking for filming locations in Scotland

In Scotland there were representatives of Warner Bros. looking for some filming locations last month.

Author: Tom

on 27.5.2007 at 22:9

A second official title for the seventh book.

Joanne K. Rowling launched an alternative title for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Author: Tom

on 27.5.2007 at 21:43

Happy Birthday David!

Our Community and Site Manager David Zourek celeberates his 20th birthday today.

Author: Tom

on 26.5.2007 at 0:4

Knightbus Topsites!

We have own Harry Potter Topsites now!

Author: Tom

on 25.5.2007 at 23:50

Slovenia fears the Deathly Hallows!

Slovenian Harry Potter fans have some really unpleasant trouble at the moment ... the slovenian publisher EPTA hired a translator who hasn't even read the first five Potter novels and the fans were dessatisfied with the translation. Now the fear that the translation of the seventh book will be a dissapointment as well!

Author: Tom

on 24.5.2007 at 23:3


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