The Knightbus

Willkommen im Knightbus,
dein Zugang zur ganzen Welt von Harry Potter!


The Knightbus celeberates its first month on the web!

Tom am 21.5.2007 um 14:38 Uhr


A month ago world's hugest Harry Potter Link Archive was released!

We're online a whole month now and many things have happened.

Websites from all over the world were curious about the idea and list us among their links.

Just 3 weeks after the official release we founded an "Off Topic" section; that way you will find many interesting websites about actors who you admire but who don't have to necessarily play a role in Harry Potter.

A few days ago we opened the knightbus my space account.

Within this month we guided thousands of visitors to numerous Harry Potter sites!

So if you think this is all we've got, then you're wrong! Indeed we plan a very very huge thing to do in the next time. And that's not all, there are some other petite things which we constantly care about.

The only thing we dind't manage to do is providing a real french version, due to the fact that nobody applied for a position as a french translator.

Naturally we don' want to keep the site just trilingual forever, we'd like to open a spanish version as well, but again, we simply do not have the right people to do that yet. So if you have the required lingual skills in french or spanish and the motivation to join the staff and do the translations, please just apply.




am 21.5.2007 um 21:50


That's a secret for now ...

am 21.5.2007 um 15:4


Congratulation guys! What kind of very very huge thing are you planning?

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